
Involvement and Support

Welcome Ross families! Please know we are here to assist you in any way we can during your child's time at Ross ELC.

In this section, you will find MNPS resources, ways to get involved at Ross, and resources from the Pyramid Model, which is the framework we use to support social and emotional development at Ross.

Our Family Involvement Specialist is Traci Bryant.

  • Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
    • Family Involvement Specialist Traci Bryant is the school liaison
  •  Clothing Closet - We partner with UniCycle and will gladly take new or gently used SSA and other clothing items (think coats, sweaters, socks, leggings, etc. - we also take underwear but request all underwear be new) for our clothing closet or to share with clothing closets at other schools (any size is accepted)
  • Family Workshops - Workshops on a variety of academic topics take place approximately one time per month
  • Social and Emotional Learning - School Counselor Tara Johnson can assist you with questions and concerns about Social and Emotional Learning or about your child's social/emotional development
  •  Parent Support Group - A parent support group meets monthly - contact Traci Bryant for additional information
  • Pyramid Model (Social-Emotional) Resources


Volunteering and Community Partners

Visit the Ross Get Involved page for volunteer ideas and a list of Ross's community partners.


Welcome to Pre-K Guides

We know this is an exciting time for your family, and you may have many questions about Pre-K. Our Welcome to Pre-K guide, translated into several languages, is a resource to help your family prepare.

Download the Pre-K Guides

The Pre-K Guides are available on the MNPS Early Learning website in:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Arabic 
  • Kurdish
  • Nepali

Questions about Pre-K?

If you have any additional questions about our Pre-K program that are not included in the guide, please
contact our school.